
Alternative Resourcing in the Legal Sector
Our GC client wished to introduce a Practice/Document Management System to their in-house team which enabled greater collaboration between lawyers and business clients, improved matter monitoring and financial control, introduced simple process workflows, and delivered an online instruction portal to receive the Business’ requests for legal support. However, our client appreciated that procuring technology was neither in their skill set nor good use of their valuable (and finite) time.
Based upon our deep understanding of the legal technology sector we devised an approach which allowed us to do the “heavy lifting” for the client during a formal tender process, identifying appropriate suppliers, preparing tender documents, running the end-to-end process , and collating and objectively scoring suppliers to narrow down a shortlist. This approach enabled the client to focus their effort on refining a set of Best Practice functional requirements (prepared by us) and taking part in short-listed supplier demos.
Solution provided identified to best meet client’s requirements; client time focussed on key activities (freeing them to do legal work); tender process managed on time with solution provider appointed on favourable terms.